Houses and Rooms To Let
Rooms To Let
Rents for Rooms from 100 pounds to 200 pounds per week collected bi-weekly. Rents are inclusive of water, electric, gas and Council Tax (community charge).
Bathroom(s) and kitchen(s) are shared with other tenants.
Room Prices Rooms To Let
-- Slough central, Large Size Room, Single person £160 per Week,
Couple £200 per week.
--Slough central, Medium Size Room, Single person only £ 140 per week.
--Slough central, Small Size Room, Single person only, £120 per week.
Houses To Let
Rents for Houses from £1000.00 To £2,500.00 per calendar month,
excluding bills ( Plus all bills ).
--- We have no houses to let at moment ---
Call - 07880 790598 --- E-Mail.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Customer Information
Please make sure to make an appointment on the phone or on email before turning up at the office.